EC Malta 30+
Share classroom with only people of your age.
Study English, shared apartment and get fun with 30+
Swieqi | Sliema | St Julians
EC Malta 30+ is an English Course dedicated to those mature adults that would like to improve their English skills and they would like to be with people of their age.
What is MaltaLovers offering?
Read more about how to find accommodation in Malta on our blog page
Assistance during the whole stay in Malta
MaltaLovers will be helping you during your English Course.
Visa Assistance| Work Permit | Finding Job | Finding Accommodation
Another high and relevant different that MaltaLovers offers is assistance with your whole stay in Malta. We will support you during your whole stay in Malta. If you need help with Visa, finding a job, finding an accommodation (out of our range of apartment if you desire it) or any emergency (including medical emergencies)
Do you need help finding a job, have a look to How to find a job in Malta on our blog page.
Request a quotation and improve your professional skills
Read more about how to find accommodation in Malta on our blog page.